Send a free e-card

To send an email postcard, find a photo on Gallery and click on the title of the photo.
If you are using a tablet (iPad etc.) or a phone, tapping once will display the tooltip and the second tap will take you to the e-card input page.

how to create ecard from gallery

Or, if you would rather, choose from one of the photos on this page to begin!

South Africa Cabanas free ecard
Calla Lilly free ecard
Charles River free ecard
Boston Skyline free ecard

A few words on the use of our free e-card feature:

  • We do not retain email addresses or a copy of your e-card.  Therefore, please use it as an as-is service.
  • For your spam protection, e-card program is set to expire after 5 minuutes.
  • Please make your message short.  The program does not check the length of your message while you are typing, but if it goes beyond the available space, the overflow text will be truncated.
  • Please be aware that some email programs may send your e-card to recipient's spam folder.

Yes, we've listed some caveats, but hope you still enjoy using our free e-card!